New Article: Inter-Genus Oxygen Isotope Dendrochronology of the Newport Medieval Ship Keel

Project co-investigator Neil Loader has published an article titled “Inter-Genus Oxygen Isotope Dendrochronology of the Newport Medieval Ship Keel” in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology.

The evolving history and interpretation of the Newport Medieval Ship, a clinker-built vessel preserved within the sediments of the River Usk (Wales, United Kingdom) is underpinned by tree-ring analysis. Following discovery of the ship in 2002, dendrochronology has determined felling dates and a UK origin for the structure upon which the ship came to rest and for dislocated timbers recovered from within the ship, which include timber rough-outs and a large knee. These provided absolute dates from the mid-15th century when matched against British chronologies (Nayling, 2013; Nayling & Jones, 2014). This proof of medieval date was pivotal for the future preservation of the ship…


Excavations on an Enigmatic Structure at Street House, August 2024


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